Resources and Useful Links


eResources, offered by Cheshire libraries, contains links to many useful online resources all containing a wealth of information, including Britannica Online, Credo Reference and Newsbank. It can be accessed via Cheshire East and Chester West and Chester libraries website. You will need to be a member of Cheshire Libraries to access the resources.

General literacy websites

Books for Keeps - online magazine featuring book reviews and articles.

Books for Topics - book recommendations by topic and key stage.

Book Trust - reviews, book lists, reading tips and the rather brilliant Book Finder tool (great for finding read-a-likes and books to engage reluctant readers.

The Children’s Book Review - American site dedicated to reviewing and showcasing children’s books and authors.

Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) - hundreds of quality book recommendations and free resources.                 
Love Reading 4 Kids - book recommendations by topic/key stage/year group. Reviews from children, teachers and librarians

Pen and Inc - a new magazine and listings guide celebrating diversity and inclusion in children's publishing.

The Reading Agency - free resources, including discussion guides and activity packs. They also run giveaways and competitions for schools and libraries.

Reading Hack - aimed at teenagers but activities can be adapted for younger children.

The School Reading List - book recommendations for primary and secondary children.

Toppsta - children's book reviews and giveaways.

World Book Day - great range of free resources and activities.

Online learning websites

 Authorfy - free resources based on the novels of some of the UK’s most popular children’s authors. Includes hundreds of videos, reading guides and activities.

BBC Teach - thousands of free educational videos, guides and audio clips.

British Library - includes the Exploring Children’s Books online exhibition and activities.

ChatterPack - a voluntary run, special educational needs and disabilities hub.

The Literacy Company - access a range of free resources to engage pupils in practising key literacy skills if they need to work from home.

 Literacy Shed - links to a wide range of learning resources including SEND provision.

Reading Realm - free creative writing and reading resources.

Scholastic Blog - links to high quality teaching resources.

Contact us

Education Library Service
Browning Way
Woodford Park Industrial Estate

Phone: 01606 275801
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