Ordering, delivery and collection

We have a wide range of resources for you to borrow, including non-fiction and fiction books, objects, story sacks, DVDs and audio books. All are designed to help you to bring the curriculum to life in your classroom and to encourage a love of books and reading for pleasure. Take a look at our resources and useful links page to view our online catalogue and find out more about some of the resources which you can borrow.

Ordering and delivery of resources

  • Our librarians can compile topic collections for you tailored to your requirements. These can be supplemented by audio visual items subject to availability
  • to request any resources use our request resources from the Cheshire Education Library Service form, which will take 2 minutes to complete or phone 01606 275801.
  • Subject to availability, resources will be delivered on your next scheduled delivery day. During particularly busy periods you may have to wait a little longer. 
  • Please note we are unable to prepare resources for collection, although you are weclome to visit to select your own. 

Collection of resources

  • If you have resources to be collected use the online form inform the Education Library Service of resources to be collected, which will take 2 minutes to complete or phone 01606 275801.
  • One of our drivers will collect your resources on your next scheduled delivery day.
  • We would be grateful if you could arrange for resources to be left by the school entrance.

Self service

You are welcome to visit ELS to select your own resources. We are open from 9am to 5pm during term time and 9am to 2pm during the holidays.

Contact us

Education Library Service
Browning Way
Woodford Park Industrial Estate

Phone: 01606 275801
Email us